2015. február 2., hétfő

Is it possible to be a homosexual (Whilst being chaste) and be ordained as a priest?

I am in the middle of my discernment process and I feel as if I am in some sort of moral dilemma, the question that I want to ask is it possible for a celibate, homosexual man to be ordained as a priest?

I am asking this because I am a catholic who is also a homosexual but I have not had any relations with other men (Sexual or otherwise hence I am following being chaste) but the question of sexuality has not been raised by my vocational director, should I mention it to him or keep my silence on the subject?

I do know that it is not a sin to be a homosexual catholic, it's the idea of a sexual act by two people of the same gender that is a sin, I was told this by a different Priest who gave me a choice whether to come out or not (He was perfectly fine about it by the way).

I'm not here to debate the ethics of gay men who are in the priesthood and I am aware of Catholic priests who are homosexual but who also lead a chaste life.

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