2015. február 1., vasárnap

I'm new here and I was wondering what are the things you all did to help control the urge?

I'm a 19 year old woman and I've been... making my kitty purr in a very unhealthy way. Here's a little back story to help.

It started back when I was in middle school. The internet was still new to me and I didn't think much of it until I discovered porn. I was fascinated and began watching it every chance I got. As the months passed I learned about porn games, hentai, Gay porn, S&M etc. I indulged myself in many, many, many genres of porn. I was watching it out of pure fascination at first but then I made the connection that if I did what the girls or guys did in those videos I could feel the pleasure they got to feel. So I started doing it and...I couldn't stop... By high school I would masturbate everyday. Coming at least 2 to 3 times. I would read hentai manga online or watch lots of different kinds of porn for long periods of time. I remember dedicating weekends to just this one activity, barricading my room door if I had too so no one could bother me.

At some point, I got extremely lonely from the activity and started to cyber random people in online chat rooms. I would cyber multiple people at once. This lasted two years and I just remember by junior year I felt so empty and depressed inside. I wanted to stop and I knew I needed to but only after I had gotten a SO. A friend from school who I flashed my breast too in my room and asked out because porn had ruined my perception on how women and men communicate when it came to love. I promised myself for his sake that I would cut down and eventually stop my masturbation habits. I stopped the cyber cold turkey but the other stuff is a different story. Which brings me here. It's been 2 years now, I'm still in a relationship with him but my habit hasn't stopped. I try really hard and I can probably make it 2 weeks but after that I'm back at it. My SO has been really supportive of me but I constantly fell like a failure for not getting this under control. What are some things I can do to take control of this addiction of mine?

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