2015. február 2., hétfő

How do you react when someone calls you hot?

Title basically says it all. I have never known how I'm supposed to react to compliments, especially ones about my appearance. Basically everything I can think of to say comes across badly in some way."Thanks!" seems flippant and dismissive, and (IMO) kills any conversation (where do you go from there?)."I know!" or "I try." or "Yeah, I've put a lot of effort into looking good" or anything like that just seems conceited."Thanks, you are too!" If they are then that may work...but sometimes they aren't, and I hate giving compliments I don't mean. Plus, I don't want to give off the signal that I'm interested if I'm not.I used to go straight to the self-deprecating response - "No, I'm not," or "You're drunk/crazy!" but I eventually came to realize that negating what people say is not a very good way to respond, so I'm trying to not do that anymore.Anyway, tl;dr, how do you take compliments???

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