2015. február 3., kedd

Gay friendly Kaiser Doc in East Bay, Calif.?

Hey guys,Sorry this is a really boring question but I don't know where else to ask.Husband and I just moved to Contra Costa County, California and we have Kaiser insurance through my work.Does anybody know which of the Kaiser docs in the East Bay are gay friendly? I figure there can't be a lot of doctors in the Bay Area that are homophobic... but I had a homophobic doctor back in the day in Seattle and it was horrible. So I'm looking to avoid repeating the experience.Not opposed to BARTing into San Francisco if you know a good Kaiser doc there, but all things being equal I'd love to stay on my side of the pond: Oakland or Richmond.Again, sorry for the boring question, but if you have a Kaiser doctor in the Bay Area you recommend, please PM me or comment.Thanks a bunch.ElliottEl Cerrito, Calif.

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