2015. február 3., kedd

Need advice. Stuck in a country where being gay is a crime, have a family to take care of.

If there is a better subreddit for this, please direct me there.Ok, finally, I am manning up to formally admit my troubles, even if to strangers on the internet, and to myself as an extension. I will try to make it short.I am gay. I am stuck in a country where being gay is punished by imprisonment. I am 21, still not out to anyone. If it was only me, myself to take care of, I know what to do. I would have applied for asylums/permanent residences in other countries through employment, because I have good employment prospects oversees, and I hold absolutely no sentimental ties to this country.But I have a family to take care of here, since I am the only son and there are other cultural entanglements. Even if I managed to solve that part of the problem, if anyone finds out that I am gay in this goddamn country, my entire bloodline will be shamed for years to come, maybe even legally retaliated against (fired from their places of employment).I am mostly concerned about my immediate family, and the troubles they will face if the word that I am gay ever reaches these lands. I can even accept that they might hate me, or disown me, but they are my family, and I love them, and I don't want them to suffer because of me.So shortly speaking, I need to remove myself from my old identity somehow, to remove chances of my sexuality ever being traced back to my family, find a way not to lose my family in the process (they might not understand, but they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut) and find a way to move to a different country. Ughh, I can't keep things organized in my head. I am gay, it is illegal, if anyone finds out, my family is screwed and I cannot have that. What do I do? I refuse to live a lie forever.

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