2015. február 3., kedd

How would/Should I suggest your boyfriend improve their apperance

So I started dating this guy and our personalities and interests pretty much are perfect. We get along really well and agree on tons of stuff.However, his apperance is just not really my type or just...immature is really the best word to describe it. He kind of looks like a 15 year old metal head in high school with really long hair, facial hair that is not really fully grown in...like a half mustache and goatee, and he wears just a bunch of metal band tees with cargo pants, cargo shorts, and occasionally jeans.Pretty much if he just dress more maturely, changed his hairstyle, and cleaned up his face, he would be fine. I thought this when I first starting contemplating dating him, but I figured "nobody can be perfect and you can improve your apperance". He loves punk rock, and I like it too, but dressing like this is something I did in early high school or middle school.I feel really rude and awful thinking this, and I feel it would be really rude suggesting he do something a little different. I don't want to hurt his feelings and all.Do you think I have any right to/should I apporach him with a suggestion to improve his apperance? Or should I just let it go and let him be him?EDIT: He is 19 I'm 21.

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