2015. február 1., vasárnap

Dear Russians...

Give peace a chance! To the peoples and citizens of Russia

Dear Russians. We, the citizens of Europe, of more than 100 ethnicities, different confessions, races, beliefs, political, ideological, sexual and other orientations, want to address you directly, bypassing the politicians and the media, because we believe that this is the time to speak to you directly, without any third parties. With great concern we see that the situation in Ukraine has resulted in the most serious political crisis in Europe since the Cold War. For the first time in decades government leaders and military alliances do not exclude a possibility of a real war on our continent, which would mean the death of millions of people, our children, parents, our loved ones. It is absolute madness just to watch our peoples being dragged into war, while we are allowed only the passive role of the crowd of extras and bystanders.

We believe that this is the time to take the fate of Europe into our own hands. Irresponsible politicians, Cold War-like phobias, military blocks, weapons of mass destruction, military bases and structures maintain the threat of new conflicts in Europe.

We are certain that none of the peoples of Europe wants another war. There is not a slightest reason for or prerequisite to differences between politics and geopolitical issues causing new troubles for our peoples. If your media tells you otherwise, try to persuade you that someone in Europe wants something else, wishes to seize some territory or to subjugate other nations - it is a lie, serving as a tool to win your approval for sending troops in foreign countries.

Nobody in Europe wants any conflict with Russia, none of us are feeling hostility toward the Russians, Russia should not feel threatened by Europe. Our wishes for Russian minorities in Europe do not go beyond the European Convention and the basic principles of human rights.

We expect principal guarantees of security - as nations that suffered at least several acts of aggression from Russia over the last two centuries, but this wish and this expectation by no means constitute a threat against other countries. However, we feel justified in insisting that we have a right to be guaranteed peace. We appeal to all free-minded people in Russians with a call to influence the authorities in their Russia and to stop the promotion of militancy and provocative appeals, a call not to succumb to the lies of politicians and the media about the "Europe(American, nazy, gay, etc) threat", to urge politicians to dialogue and search for mutually acceptable solutions in the name of a united and safe Europe.

Our time has come, the time of the peoples of Europe. We need to create fundamentally new structures and mechanisms ensuring peace and security in Europe, which would guarantee peaceful resolution of all disputes and ensure respect for the rights of individuals and peoples.

Give peace a chance!

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