2016. július 3., vasárnap

/r/gay outed me to my parents! Yay!

So I'm out now, to them. But they are (more or less) accepting!It was a few week ago when, under my commonly used pseudonym, I posted an answer to a thread here asking for contacts for chatting (I didn't even get a reply, lol). And it also just so happened that 3 days later, my father decided to google my pseudonym the first time in a couple of years that I'm now using it. And it also just so happened that the only link he decided was click-worthy was my reddit profile. And it also just so happened that I didn't post anything in those 3 days, having my post with a few basic infos about me on the top page of my profile, beginning with the sentence "[...] I am gay, too". Pretty much all he needed, huh?Oh well. He told my mom and she later asked me, when I was having a depressive phase again (I'm bipolar, too) if it was because of my sexuality. I was nearly having a heart attack when I noticed that they found out, having had success in hiding it for almost 3 years now. I wanted to come out to them for a couple months, but didn't really had the balls for it yet.My mum is pretty ok with it, although she is sorry that I will later have detriments because of my sexuality. At least here in Germany, but I don't plan on staying. But she's fine with it. My father not so much, although he said to me a few years ago that it was fine that a son of one of his friends was gay. He doesn't really like to talk about it, so we kinda established a dont-ask-dont-tell policy for now, but he's still the same to me. I think he'll get over it.So all in all a pretty strange coming out, or rather getting outed, but I'm happy that it is now over and I even came out to some classmates when I was drunk. They are also as supportive as it gets here in this rural shithole, but it's just 2 more years until I can move out. By supportive I mean that they said they are fine with it and won't tell anybody else. All my other classmates are openly homophobic and I don't think it's a good idea to come out to them. At least for now.Thanks /r/gay! And I hope to see some of you in SF in 2 years, if my plans on moving there work out :)

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