2016. július 31., vasárnap

My ex helped me expose the man I was with as a cheater and a liar. I just want to tell this story everyone.

This is a pretty amazing story, and I guess I just want to tell reddit because I'm feeling pretty pumped.A bit of context: This past monday, this man I was with went to another city to teach a class. He returned today.Story: All week, he had been very dry and distant with me compared to the usual texting, so I knew something was up. Our usual constant texting with warmth and interest became a couple messages a day, basically hi and how are you.So today I was talking to an ex who reached out to me recently and ended up telling him about this, how I was feeling that something was off. I started to describe the guy and my ex asks me if his name is XXX. It was, so he told me they have also been talking as recently as last wednesday and he had no idea me and this guy were together, so I immediately knew there were lies and foul play. I asked my ex to ask this guy if he met anyone while traveling, and he responded he met several guys for dinner and hookups (and my ex sent me this screenshot).Now knowing this, I ask this guy if something is wrong and he responds in such a way that is clearly evading the question. About an hour later, he asks if he can call me and I say yes. So he calls me and I tell him to tell me what's going on. He tells me he had been feeling unready to be with someone and that his head was spinning. I knew that was a lie because of the screenshot I had received from my ex. I told him that he should have told me before, even through text, before cheating on me. He asked if we could keep talking, and I responded that the conversation was over and hung up on him.Apologies if the story isn't the clearest, but I'm feeling pretty pumped and excited how this all went down. I saved myself a shitty situation later on and got on much better terms with my ex.I'm newly single and I owe my ex a beer and a hug for doing this for me. Sometimes people can redeem themselves after so long. :)

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