2016. július 31., vasárnap

Inability to move forward

Hello everyone,All my life I've been told that things get better, but I'm 22 and have not ever been close to anyone really. I live in a small town in the South, thought only for the past year or so. What I want most is to be close to someone and have what my friends have with their significant others, but its difficult because I am gay and because I allow school and work to consume my life.Today I sat down and realized how unhappy I am, though I've been aware for a long time. And what is worse is that I don't know what I could change to make things better. I have a full time school load keeps me pretty busy and I tutor at my school on top of that. Once I graduate I'll be teaching as well, which I've heard is murder on free time.I have no work life balance and I'm not sure how I could make room for a relationship, but its all that I think about. I'm really not that comfortable with being gay as well. I'm worried that I am going to grow old alone having not made any significant relationships in my life, I'm not even all that close to my friends since most are online. I really just want to give up. Has anybody else felt like this?

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