2016. július 29., péntek

I got outted by a family member yesterday

So while I was walking down the street with my brother he stopped me and said that something was bothering him. Naturally I asked "what's wrong?"He told me that me cousin told him, that my mom told his step-mother (my aunt by marriage) that I was gay. Which, since you don't know my family, is weird because my mom and aunt -don't- speak to each other. At all. That's a story for another time. I never told my mom and she wouldn't have told anyone if I told her the truth.But I asked, "why does that make you mad?" and he told me "because I don't want people talking about you regardless of who you like. It doesn't bother me who you like, I love you either way."So yesterday I told my brother I was, in fact, gay. Haven't felt more comfortable with myself in a long while.Sorry this is sorta confusing and dumb, just thought I'd share my story on how I came out hah.

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