2016. július 31., vasárnap

Seeking help or advice

Long-time lurker on this sub, and have never really asked for opinions on or help with intimate details of my life on a public forum, but I'm really hoping that I can get more perspective and less judgment from some people who have gone experienced similar things.A little about myself. I am an 18 yr old gay guy between 1st and 2nd years of college, back home and working for the summer. I am out to family and friends, but generally most acquaintances don't know of my sexuality. I make friends pretty easily, but usually don't initiate/make the first move in a friendship, just because I'm a more reserved person.This summer I am working at our public pool for the second year. I have a coworker who I became pretty good friends with last summer, and since we both returned this year, we have become much closer the past few months. He is my age, shares many of my same interests, and is very compatible socially, in a way that makes communication between us like talking to myself sometimes. Normally, this would suffice to make us good friends, and I wouldn't have any problem respecting the line between friend and "something more", as I have many attractive male friends whom I feel no attraction towards.However, he is constantly initiating flirtatious situations with me, both in conversation and through physical touch. For example, he'll tell me how much he loves me, or he'll give me frequent hugs and sit on my lap, all unprompted by me. He has even kissed me on the cheek. He asks me questions like "Would you ever kiss another guy", or "What if I told you I was attracted to you", (I haven't come out to him) and while I'm sure I haven't DIScouraged him from this casual flirting, I certainly haven't done much on my own because it feels like I'd be taking advantage of him. I know he likes people thinking his sexuality is ambiguous, so maybe he treats me that way towards that aim? He has told me that I'm on the list of guys he would "go gay" for. He has a girlfriend, and while I haven't spent time around them together, he is genuinely attracted to her as far as I can tell. Still (and I hate to apply stereotypes), he is quite effeminate, and proud of it, which confuses me even more.Needless to say, I've fallen for him completely. I feel so stupid to be led on by a straight guy, but in this instance I really feel like I couldn't help it. I only have a few close gay friends, but they were all very scornful of my crush on this boy, even though I was just asking for help on how to get over him. I think a major part of the problem for me is that I haven't had a real relationship with a guy yet (since Ive come out so recently) and this friendship in a weird way felt like it was going somewhere else. Basically, I'm just confused, and feeling strung along. Has anyone else dealt with accidentally falling for straight boys who seem to act ambiguously gay? I'm sorry if I sound really pitiful, or anything here, but I just really need someone to tell me about a similar experience, instead of just criticizing me like some of my friends did.

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