2016. július 3., vasárnap

My buddy might be gay/bi. I need ideas on how to subtly bring up that fact that I really don't care what his preference is.

Let me start by saying that I don't know if he actually is gay/bi, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he might be. There were many times in the past where this friend would tell us on Friday that he would be flying to some random city with his uncle since there was nothing going on locally. It wouldn't be surprising if this 'uncle' was actually someone that he is secretly romantically involved with. He never really brings up what his uncle does for a living, never shows any pictures of his travels, and never goes into detail about what he does on these trips.I couldn't care less about what gender my friend is attracted to, and I want to make that known without implying that I think he is gay/bi. He could very well be straight, but once again I really don't care. I would just feel like a pretty shitty friend if he is hiding his true self because he is worried about how both myself and other friends would react to the news.How do I casually bring up that I care more about what type of beer he drinks than what his sexual orientation is without making it sound like I think that he is in the closet?

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