2016. július 2., szombat

Opinions - Are you born gay, or is it a choice? [Serious]

This isn't a religious thing at all; I'm not religious.Anyways, I'm a straight male (19), but I definitely went through a brief period where I thought maybe I was gay. Looking back on it, there was a distinct moment in my life where I decided I was straight.As best as I can figure, some people are born with an inclination leaning one way or another, and sometimes it's a powerful inclination that you can't "override" (or make a decision over). Other times, it's a lighter inclination that leaves room for you to decide what you prefer.What are your experiences? What do you believe to be the case? Are there any scholarly articles on the topic? Is there a defined answer, or just opinions? Just genuinely curious.My story, if you care:When I was like 15, I started getting more friendly with one of my friends from football (American football). Anyways, that all culminated with us holding hands and going for a walk in the woods one day, and then sleeping together (non-sexual) at his house since his parents were on vacation. And that was about it. He's straight now, I'm straight now.Not more than maybe a week later, I started dating a girl I absolutely adored. I just decided that was it - I liked girls more.

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