2016. július 20., szerda

i wanna share some strange feelings

so here it goes. I just want to get something off my chest and let online strangers gaze upon my feelings. I was in a summer class a little less than a month ago and there was this man in the class that i developed a strong connection with. I wasn't really looking for anything really, just trying to be single after a 3 yr on and off relationship (that's another story). This connection I felt was like nothing I have felt before. He was really not my type AT ALL. But I looked into his eyes and saw his soul and i still constantly think about him and I don't even know why tbh. Sometimes I don't even want to think about him and there he is... still in my mind. I feel a little delusional, but I'm honestly content with being by myself. In the end I was honest with my feelings and told him my like and he kind of just left me hanging. He never confirmed or denied his sexuality to me. I just thought he was just so pure and smart I wanted to pick his brain (and maybe touch his booty). I acted like a crazy person to him too(when i was sober).. maybe cause i'm gemini i don't know. Anyways thanks for reading. Trey peace

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