2015. február 1., vasárnap

TIFU: My friend decides to drunkenly drive to the house of a guy stole his wife. I happily go along

Last night was nuts. So here’s the story.

A few of my friends were out last night at this little shitty bar after watching basketball all day. We are having a good time. Two of my friends are bothers, and they keep buying drinks for random people in the bar. They are kind of loaded, like family money, so they do this shit all the time. It makes it easy to make friends, which we needed cause another the other one of my friends is fresh back from Iraq, and he has like no tolerance (no alcohol in theater ) and he gets piss drunk fast, and starts being a bit of an ass.

Anyways, at like 10 or so my buddy, the younger brother, gets a text from his wife saying she’s leaving him for another dude. She had packed up all day, while we were out watching the KU game (yep I live in Kansas). We drive back to the house, which in retrospect we shouldn’t have done since we had a few. But there was tons of shit gone and she was gone.

None of us really liked this chick, I mean she was constantly flirting with other people, and she was WAY out of his league, which probably is due to that family money thing, but no one would say that out loud. Anyways he’s texting this chick all night she finally agrees to meet up. So we go to this guys house where she is, and we know him . He’s an ass, and kind of fruity. To be honest we kind of thought he was gay, oh and yea, he’s got family money too (she’s go t a type).

So, everyone is yelling. You have my 3 friends me, and fruity with his brother and my friends wife. His brothers a big dude, and he starts yelling to get off their property. Drunk army dude just winds up and knocks him out cold. Then drunky starts dragging him off, hell if I know why. Now shit gets crazy. Fruity closed the door then comes back with a gun. Then my friend, the older brother, goes and grabs a gun out of his truck while younger bro and fruity are yelling. As he’s grabbing for his gun out of the truck Fuity’s gun goes off and hits drunky in the heel. This bitch Helen is just laughing, meanwhile my friend just bleeds out and dies.

Now it’s really on, we all get in the truck roll through the front door and burn that place to the ground.

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