2015. február 3., kedd

Me [16 M] with my friend-ish [17/F] duration, what's the best response if she says she has feelings for me?

I used to have a thing for this girl, let's call her Holly. I thought she was perfect in every way, beautiful etc. everything a teenager would think about a girl he likes. Eventually, I realised I would never be able to talk to her and get anywhere with her so I just gave up.

I messaged Holly on twitter saying how, if she had heard rumours then they were old news (I'm sure the girls in our friendship group knew, and had most likely told her). Her response was basically 'ok', just that. I felt hurt that she basically ignored it but I had 'moved on'.

The next day at college I saw Holly holding hands with a boy in her history class. Let's call him Rick. Typical douchey guy, not that good looking, talks shit about people in the corridors at college. I assumed they were together and that brings us to now - She tweeted the picture of a message her friend sent her - " ...basically he should stop being a lil bitch boy".

I haven't done anything offensive, I haven't even talked to her so the text was most likely about Rick. This would be the second boy that has messed her around, as the first one turned out to be gay and called her boring, then never spoke to her again.

Reddit, I'm an anxious teen, tall, skinny etc. Not ugly just not confident. I have been going to the gym for a few months so I hope if I feel better with my body image I will be more confident in the future. My question is: If, at a party she tries to talk to me about anything that happened in the above story, what would be the best response? I'm not a bully or anything, but its almost like if Holly told me anything related to feelings I would want to tell her that I simply don't give a shit about her anymore.

tl;dr: ex-crush got f*cked over by yet another guy, need best response if she says anything to me.

edit: the age gap is obly about 4 months

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