2015. február 26., csütörtök

Can you awesome ladies help me with my OkCupid profile?

Hey so, I made a throwaway because I'd rather not link my profile from my main account, but I could use some advice. I posted here instead of /r/OkCupid because I'd rather get some opinions from actual gay girls as opposed to straight guys.

So anyway, here's my profile. I never get any messages and no one has answered any of the messages I've sent.

I tried to be lighthearted while still giving people an idea of my personality, sense of humor, and interests. I also tried to do it without rambling because I tend to lose interest when I see a huge wall of text.

I don't think my pictures are very good, but I tried to include mostly photos where I'm smiling, which I know is important. I'm not big on selfies and I look awkward when other people take photos of me. :/

I'm concerned that maybe the way I answered some of the match questions is part of my problem, because very few of my matches are above 90%. For example, I don't like kids and that frequently pops up under unacceptable answers. I also enjoy offensive jokes, have no interest in open relationships, don't give a shit about my astrological sign, and don't smoke pot, and apparently that's the opposite of every other lesbian in Portland.

Anyway, help? There must be something wrong with my OkCupid since I don't even get responses to the messages I send out. Any advice is appreciated.

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