2015. február 1., vasárnap

A Message for Reddit with Love from Ginger Minj

I made a promise to a fabulous drag queen last night that I would speak well of her on Reddit this morning: the one and only Ginger Minj. Particularly, I believe I was to inform you that she is absolutely hysterical and that she is truly a size 2 (camera lenses are a tricky business)! Regardless, Ginger is a lovely and talented queen. I took a bunch of friends to see her host Drag Queen Bingo in Royal Oak, MI last night. Some of us had seen her to do this before, and everyone who did wanted to return for seconds! She was extraordinarily kind to our table and gifted me two truly hideous (but delightfully so) novelty Christmas ornaments for gay trivia questions about The Golden Girls and theatre. How anyone ever thought to design any such ornaments is beyond me but watching Ginger blankly stare at them and decipher descriptive terms (“It’s a bulldog with a boombox!”) was a treat. She is also an extremely approachable and down to earth queen who was very willing to engage with fans (even the nuisance-y straight bachelorette parties, which do take patience). If you ever have a chance to see Ginger in person, do it! And say hi!

Anyone in Michigan (or near) can find her hosting bingo at Five15 in Royal Oak. She’s also performing in the “Killer Queens” show in Warren, MI with Sharon, Alaska, Trixie, Detox, and Darienne. I am really looking forward to seeing her perform at that show. Girl can bingo the house down but now I want to see what she brings to the stage!

Much love from Ginger to you all, and much love to Ginger from me should she read this!

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