2016. július 20., szerda

Relationship help. A little bit confused about something... Please help.

Hi guys.I need advice on how to deal with this stuff.I've been dating a guy for 3 months now, and I'm seriously crazy about him. I think we're very compatible and just about every thing is great. I'm 23 and this is my first serious relationship and I want it to work out. I've discovered that I may be a little possessive, which I didn't know about until now. So let's get on with it.There's just one (or two) problem(s) depending on how you look at it:I am super jealous of his friends. Like really insanely jealous. Let me give you an example, a few weeks ago a friend of his (who is also in a relationship) called him at 4 AM with a fever and asked him for help, and my boyfriend goes and picked him up and brings him home and takes care of him... Now the guys boyfriend is married to a woman and is in the closet (but in my opinion that was the idiots choice to pick such a person) and my bf has known him for almost a year, but it pissed me off. I kinda(read: totally) think that this kinda thing is reserved for family and lovers (you know not someone you've known for barely a year). I know it sounds cold, but this kinda thing should be just mine and his close family and very close friends.Or this other friend he has, who lives in another city, and comes over and stays the night every couple of weeks, it annoys me, he has family he can stay with. Also sometimes he brings his boyfriend who is in the closet who lives in an apartment with his sister in the city and stays for a day. This makes me feel like that are using my boyfriend's hospitality and also it makes me jealous.In my opinion this is also jealousy related:A week ago he was invited to a party (just gays) where there was gonna be drinking and dancing and smoking and I have no idea what else. Now I'm not the kinda person who would be comfortable in a situation like this ( I could barely stand my best friend's wedding, she had a lot of drinking and dancing at her reception too). And he was probably gonna go, alone. He said it's ok that I don't wanna go but he may go. Now this made me feel like shite, because it make me feel like I'm not enough for him and he need to go to things like this.So here we are, I'm a jealous, possessive biach.Please guys don't be too hard on me okay? I already know how mean and evil I sound.PS I like being alone with him as much as possible, not because of sex! I just can't be myself around every one, but with him it's different and when other people are around I can't just be me... It's odd i know... And with other people around I can't talk freely either, which I'm sure everyone can understand.Please help me out.

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