2016. július 4., hétfő

looking for advice or if my situation is odd.

Hi /r/gay!I am a gay male. The thing is, I came out to my mom three years ago in March. We did the whole 50 questions all at once (Her asking me) Everything from When did I notice to pretty much why.So the thing is after that, She had said we were to discuss things with Dad. Naturally I was freaked out over this as I didn't want to come out all at once, just slowly. Well that discussion with Dad and Mom never came, she said she wouldn't. Nothing has been spoken about my sexuality since.Now I do have a LDR boyfriend which well is another thing entirely that's on my mind. But, perhaps another time. Short version is we've never met in person and its been quite a while.So is this normal? I mean I don't intentionally bring up anything. Pretty much whenever she brings up grandchildren, I tell her that she's not getting them from me. Then she usually says Yes in an enthusiastic manner. I'm so bad at reading people its hilarious.Should I even do anything?TD;LR Came out to mom years ago. Nothing is ever said about it. She seemed upset at first but seems okay years later.

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