2016. július 1., péntek

I'm in love but am stuck in a complicated situation...

I'm a young gay guy whose past has messed me up. I was raped when I was 16 years old, causing me to loose everything during that time frame. This has affected every relationship I've been in since. I'm in this relationship with a guy I met months ago. We've had our rocky moments but I love him to death. However, I never know how to react when certain situations occur. For example, tonight we were talking about sex and about me being able to bottom more eventually. He knows about my past and how I am slowly building that confidence to feel more comfortable being able to bottom for him because the one time I did. It felt amazing. But as anyone with a past like that knows that its a proccess and you can't expect the best right away or even in a few months. Now I talk to him about it all the time and mention about how I am trying and certain things that would help me feel more comfortable. His response was along the lines of "Well I just don't know how much longer I can be in a relationship where I can't express all my love for you and feel sexually frustrated". I know he is sexually frustrated that is why I've been going more out of my comfort zone to try, but I just don't know what else to do. Should I keep trying and suck it up and maybe do more on my end? Should I leave? Should I keep trying to explain to him how I feel, and that eventually this will work for the both of us? Help reddit! -Someone who wants it to work....

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