2016. július 20., szerda

Coming out

Note: these statement come with years and years of inexperience and I don't mean to offend Is coming out really all its played up to be (weight off of the chest, ...etc.) I don't have a problem telling people if they ask but you know initiating that conversation is a little weird(for me) or does being "out" actually help when it comes to finding dates and stuff I don't feel as if I'm in the closet cause what do I have to deny I think I know I am Note: I don't get asked out main reason I kinda look like i would be an asshole I don't know why but it is what it is.¯_(ツ)_/¯ Sorry for this weird post I just had a lot of stuff on my mind and I thought writing some of them out and getting advice and opinions would help ease my mind.

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