2016. július 23., szombat

16 YO Closeted Gay Guy Seeking Advice

Hey, guys! So, I'm a 16 year old closeted gay guy in a town of right-wing homophobes and my parents are also ultra-homophobic. Anyway, I don't have a lot of friends anyway and would have none if I came out. I guess I figure that in college someday, maybe I'll be able to be myself and see guys. But I really want to advance if the business world someday to an executive level, and I guess I'm afraid my sexuality will make that harder. At least, that's what my parents say. So, let's say someday I'm in a major city at a major company. Will my sexuality really effect my social status at work and my ability to be promoted?If it matters, I don't fit the media-grown "typical gay guy" stereotype, in terms of how I act. I'm pretty average in that regard.

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