Motivated by the day and a side comment in the 'No homo, but not because it's wrong' thread...
Considering none of the HP characters, barring Dumbledore, are gay...
I present the wholly inappropriate and intended to be humorous gaydar discussion:
Using canon events, author statements and literary instincts to support your claim, which Potter characters could be gay? (I'd use the Kinsey scale but that would require too much added explanation)
To kick us off:
Albus Dumbeldore - Gay - not only is it canon, but the man was a walking animated dress factory from the first moment we see him. You may say that I'm referencing old stereotypes, but so does he- Albus was born before the turn of the century
Gellert Grindelwald - Gay - implied to some extent due to Albus' keen interest in their... deep discussions
Tonks - Bisexual - a shapeshifter is thematically unconcerned with appearance, plus she's just so very joyful
Lupin - likely Bisexual, though his gay vibe is partly from his backstory symbolising an AIDS sufferer in the workplace
Charlie Weasley - Gay - no known girlfriends, gives up the shallow rockstar life of a Quidditch career to follow his passion, all the way to Eastern Europe
Gwenog Jones - Gay -didn't spare any affection or decency for a wizard's public marriage proposal; she knocked him in the head
... for that matter, any of the Holyhead Harpies might be gay or bisexual...
... including Ginny - sure, she married Harry and dated a bunch of boys, but she was recruited and accepted by the Harpies, whom she already favored and was a fan of Gwenog as well.
On the Het side...
Harry Potter - Het - sorry kids; he was facinated by Cho, appreciative of Parvati and of Hermione in her dress, blushed when encountering Tonks and fell hard for Ginny. He also was subject to Veela allure- he just didn't succumb to acts of foolishness like Ron did
Severus Snape - Het - again, sorry; the man dedicated his whole life to honouring the memory of the only girl who gave him a chance at friendship. Even if he had screwed other women or men to dull the pain, he was Lily-sexual to his last bog-stenchy breath
Hermione Granger - Het - this girl was entirely too torqued up by Ron's dalliances, even while being woo'd by a sports star to have gotten any sympathy from girlfriends. Then again, she and Ginny were close friends- she may have sampled from the fruit tray
Your turn!
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