2015. április 30., csütörtök

Dating is hard.

Hey folks. First time posting, so don't hate me.So, I've been single for a looooonng time. I'm fine with being single, I'm very independent and I've been dating on and off for the past couple of years.I'm sure a lot of guys, other than myself, do the whole internet dating thing. I'm not the kinda guy to go out on the scene, so I feel like it's the only place I'll actually find a guy, not to mention I don't drink alcohol.I have been on dates where there isn't that spark, but I'm kind enough to say that it's not really gonna go any further than friendship.I've been on a couple of dates with a couple of guys in the past, and then I start thinking 'maybe this could work, there might be something going on here', but before I know it, he blows me off, can't see me, is busy, has no money, or plain looses interest and drops off the face of the earth.Now, this doesn't just happen to me, right?I know I'm not exactly the best looking guy, having the best looking body or the biggest penis in the world, but sometimes I couldn't even get a guy to look at me if I stuck winning lottery tickets all over me. And no, this isn't a 'feel sorry for me', but more regaining perspective.Thanks for reading and hope to hear from...well...anyone! :)(And a little image of me)

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