2015. április 25., szombat

Sorta straight Best Friend asked me to wait for him.

We've been friends since our senior year of High School (2008), he helped me through figuring out my sexuality. Out of curiosity he asked if I found him attractive and since then my feeling grew till I would be basically crying to him about how I feel, usually while drunk. He would tell me he doesn't feel the same way. Although it always seemed like he was saying it pensively and it annoyed me he wasn't including me in his thoughts, because we would talk about everything.At his sisters wedding, I had another one of my break downs. After that when he came to visit on thanksgiving (he lived in Tally, FL at the time), he was upset I was asleep when he arrived at the airport (I knew he was coming, but why should I be expected to waiting for him? His parents were picking him up.) There were several other outburst and we decided to take a break till my birthday a couple moths later. He never showed for my birthday, he said he had to study for a test, and after a few text messages he said he didn't want to talk to me anymore. Great, one less problem. I moved on and made new friends. Six months later he tells me he's moving back to Miami and wants to see me and a mutual friend. My friends tell me it's a horrible idea, but he's sending me text asking me to review his status before he posts it to facebook or that he noticed a van from the company I worked for and sent me a pic, and other generally cute stuff.I agree to meet with and we talk, he kinda apologizes. We hang out a few more times. We go to a bar were there are lots of girls he'd be interested in, he's only had one serious relationship, and he seemed very happy and I was happy for him. I was hopping that he could find that again so that my feeling could be quelled. However he insisted he wanted to just talk to me. We inevitably talk about my feelings and he implicitly lets me know that when I talk about my feelings for him, he feels I'm not very confident about it and I'm just wrapped up in my own painful emotions. I realize this is my moment and I noticed his voice was softer and more flirty then usual. The bar was loud so we head to his house, he says to keep the parking ticket as we were leaving because the date might be special.In the silence of the drive I couldn't help my self and poured out my feels as I've done before in the past. He actively encourages me to keep going because I would pause out of shyness and tears. When I had no more to say, he layout out what he would always say before "I don't feel the same way." I kinda just died internally. Still in an unusually soft voice he starts asking "So what do we do?"Now ever since we were friends he made it a point to hug everyone, calling himself the "hugger", everyone but me. We had an discussion about it and he insisted it's not a big deal, so I told him if he is going to be weird my not hugging me, then I won't be shaking his hand and we'll remain contact free. We agreed, it was weird, but we respected each others rules.So as we're going to his house, he buys me taco bell and in the driveway of his house with his continued questioning of "what should we do?" I tell him he can start by treating my like a normal person and give me a hug every once and a while. As soon as I say that his demeanor changes entirely. His face goes from kind and flirty to straight up angry. He snatched the food he bought me out of my hands and is only able to say "I can't talk to you right now."He walks toward his house and now I'm pissed. I yell at him and say "If you leave right now with out offering anything else, I will never speak to you again." He turns around and asks me to wait for him. I am livid, but I say ok and walk away. This was around October of 2014.Fast forward to today. He has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. He still won't pick up my calls or reply to my text. He use to love social media, but now his accounts are mostly bare. He's gained weight, possibly from drinking. My boyfriend came into the relationship knowing my history, but I can't keep making him feel like he's not my priority. I'm someone who is very committed to my word and my friend knows that, I also can accept when I'm not wanted. In this case, it doesn't seem clear.I've considered going to visit my friend at the shop he works at. Not to speak to him, but just to see the look on his face. I can walk away from indifference or shock, but not from a sense of longing.

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