2015. április 27., hétfő

Should my ex be off limits to my close friend?

Is asking a close friend not to hang out with a recent ex ridiculous? I am the common link but over the last few years they have developed somewhat of a friendship. They have even gone out together without me. It was something that always bothered me. Their friendship is hardly much of a friendship. The x stood him up enough times, that the friend stated he didn’t care about him or hanging out with him. Yet, now that he has become an ex the friend does not understand why it is hurtful to know he would hang out with him. Could I just be immature? My logic- The wound of the x is fresh. At this time I need supportive friends. I don’t feel it is supportive behavior. The last thing I want to hear is about a friend having a grand time with the boy I’m still crying about. Until I am well again I’ve asked him to respect my wishes. I’ve also questioned our friendship due to this matter. Thoughts? I am 26 and dealing with heartache over a 5 year relationship. I feel that out of respect to our friendship he wouldn't pursue the x the hangout. At least not while things are raw. The x has never pursued him to hangout. It was a one way road.

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