2015. április 25., szombat

Just a rant really

I dunno why I'm posting this but hey, I'm sad and need to vent.So I was talking to this guy for a while and started to really like him. He was sweet and kind, and just a fun person to get to know. I usually don't fall for people so hard, but I did for him. When the.topic came up he said he was out and I told him I mostly was, due to me currently living with some homophobic family members.Anyway, we decide to meet for our first date. He was going for drinks with work friends, and then we'd head off somewhere else and see where the night takes us. I meet him at the bar and I'm instantly smitten. We talk for a little bit and head upstairs to his friends. This is where things spiral.I meet them. They're really nice. He buys me a drink and we all start talking. Only he doesn't really talk to me. I tried to brush it off but the whole night if I tried to get a conversation going, he would say a few words and done. He was super chatty with his mate and I was talking to them too.Eventually I pull him outside for a bit and learn that one of his friends noticed his behaviour. She pointed out how she saw me try and just rest my hand on his arm at the table and he got uncomfortable and eventually pulled away. He insists he's not uncomfortable. He points out that he wants to get to know me before any of that. I ask if he even likes me or wants me to be there. He says he does and when I point out we haven't been talking, he says he'll try. We kiss and go inside.But here's where it hurt again. He still didn't talk to me much at all. I was sitting there feeling awkward and unwanted. Eventually I got up and left and that was that. I was a wreck going.home in the taxi. It just hurt to have someone be that into you before and then refuse to even speak to you.So my plea to you all is this. If you take a guy on a date, at least show some decency and talk to him. Make him feel welcome. Don't work things up like you want to really get along and enjoy eachother's company and then blank them. If you.don't like them say so so they can get on with their life. And for the love of everything, don't disappear every five minutes and leave the guy alone. I had fun talking to your mates, but they aren't the ones I was on a date with. Now I'm sad and hungover in bed and just looking at your phone number gives me a mixture of butterflies and this sore, sickly feeling in my stomach.So yeah. Rant over. Gonna go cry into some ice cream now.

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