2015. április 26., vasárnap

Cutting Him Out

Today, I ended my best friendship I have over some stupid mistake. About a month ago, my straight friend (we'll call A) and I shared a drunken night together, where as, the next morning he said he didn't remember anything. Great. I told him what happened later and he just got mad and said he was disappointed in me (he had known how I had feelings for him). At this point, I'm livid. He wanted what happened just as much as me, but blamed it all on me, which I told him. After that, we barely talked for a month. Today, I was going through snapchat and one of my friends had a picture of A in just his underwear, so I screenshotted it because it was pretty embarrassing. I should say that my friends and I often send each other bad and embarrassing pictures of each other, so I figured I'd go ahead and grab this one. That's where I fucked up. Apparently, he found out I screenshotted it, leading him to ask me why. I told him why and he just said that it was a weird coincidence because I like him. I told him I'm trying to put that all behind us, but he just says he can't look at me the same. I told him we have one month left of school and he'd never have to see him again. Was this the right thing to do? I really liked him at one point, but he's just being an asshole for no reason and won't let the past go. Should I try to salvage this, or just let him go?

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