2015. április 27., hétfő

A moment more than 12 years in the making...

I just wanted to talk about my thoughts going into tomorrow's Supreme Court case concerning the rights of same-sex couples to marry.12 years ago you were hard pressed to find a national politician who supported same-sex marriage, but that was when Massachusetts became the first state in the US to have marriage equality. Who would have thought that in just over a decade and 36 more states later, we'd be pinning our hopes of equality on 9 people in black robes.I still remember the first time I came out to anyone. And the 2nd time. And the 3rd. Hell I can probably recount every coming out I've ever done-including my attempt to come out to my mother (who didn't accept it, refused to believe it, and now thinks it was just a phase. I haven't bothered to tell her differently yet).Even when I started to come out to more people, gay marriage wasn't something that was going to happen all over in our lifetime, so we thought. And certainly it wouldn't receive the more broad support is has now. But here we are, in 2015, just 15 years since the first gay marriage in recorded history took place in the Netherlands.I don't know if this case will make everything better. I don't know if the people who oppose our marriage rights will stop or be silenced because of the finality of the decision we hope the Supreme Court renders. I don't know if the bullying, the name calling, the pain will stop. I don't know if parents will accept their children when they wouldn't before. I don't know if there won't be another gay child who kills themselves because people don't accept who they are. I don't know if it will finally stop getting better, and it will finally BE better, but I do know this: tomorrow may the beginning of our dreams being realized. And I hope and pray that the ever American across our country will finally be able to commit to the person they love-regardless of gender.We've come a long way. We've still got a long way to go. But we're getting there guys. We're getting there.

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