2015. május 2., szombat

What cities in the US are most accepting of cross-dressers?

I'm a 19 year old gay guy, and I'd like nothing more than to be able to dress how I'd like without getting abuse from it. I take as much care in how I look as any girl, and I also enjoy looking like a girl. I'm considering whether or not I'm transsexual; it's a possibility, but it seems scary to me and I don't know if that's what I want.My parents, especially my dad, hate the way I dress in women's jeans, boots, leggings and such, and how I put on makeup and style my hair, but that's what makes me feel good about myself.However, I get so many negative comments all the time, both about my dress and my sexuality. I need to go somewhere else, but where would be accepting of someone like me?

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