2015. május 30., szombat

My Issue With "Just Gay" Characters And Their Critics

Ive got a serious problem with people who complain about a character who's "gay just to be gay". They act as if this is their only trait. Ive NEVER seen just a gay character. I see other traits, maybe sassy, kind, intelligent, fashion forward, book warm, good friend etc. but NEVER just gay.Which is why I have to question these people, be gay straight or bi, why they only see gay when a character who is? I don't care about them being stereotypical, or a token character, none of those arguments have any credit to me, to have an LGBT character period is a still a tremendous thing. Unless the character was just written with no story and is just there to be there, then yes you have a point, but majority of shows give gay characters storylines whether it be a boyfriend, coming out, or so on. And then people criticize those storylines. Why? its something ALL gay men will go through in their lifetimes, and yet its "too stereotypical or too played out". Love and coming out are two very real things in a gay person's life, so why complain exactly?

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