2015. május 29., péntek

A little help?

My best friend was recently dumped by his boyfriend. We've been friends a few years and until the day that happened, I had seen him as such. However, on the night of the breakup, I stopped what I was doing, rushed to his side, and consoled him.While he was ugly crying into my chest, I realized that I'm in love with him. It hit me like a truck. I never in my life thought I'd be in this position, but here I am.We've spent a ton of time together since then and it's not getting any easier. My friends love him, my family loves him, my mother considers him her other son, he's gorgeous, funny, smart, he's gone so far as to tell me he wouldn't be who he is without me... I could go on and on. He's perfect to me.I really don't want to fuck things up. It's terrifying. I love him, he's the best-est best friend I've ever had. I would love to be more, but I think it's too early to be making any confessions (since he's still in the mend) and he doesn't have anyone else to really open up to about things.Any advice or feedback would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.

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