2015. május 27., szerda

Why are so many large corporations support gay marriage and LGBT rights?

Back around 2009, I remember reading an article explaining how there were corporations trying measures to market to LGBT customers or attract LGBT workers to their workforce. I thought it was a bit interesting, but it seemed rather limited.Fast forward to 2013, and it seems most Fortune 500 companies are LGBT allies, supporting gay marriage and having pro-LGBT policies in the workforce. Chairmen of major corporations were on the board of the Boy Scouts of America, and were key in changing the policy on LGBT youth in the organization. Threats to pull out the Super Bowl and other job centers were a major factor in stoping the Arizona RFRA bill later that year. More recently, "voting with their feet" from large groups and corporations was the response to Indiana's RFRA law.90% of fortune 500 companies offer protection based on sexual orientation and other LGBT inclusive factors. Don't like the advance of LGBT rights and want to boycott supporting corporations? You might as well cut yourself off from the economy To be honest though, there are many anti-LGBT people would love to retreat from society and form their own homesteads or self-sufficient communities. I actually don't mind that idea, it seems very win-win for everyone involved. Plus the bigots would likely be cutting their carbon footprint. ;DI could go on, but I want to know: Why are large corporations so supportive of LGBT rights (which is good!)? What do they have to gain from that position? Does anyone here have insight into what happened when those corporations made the decision be pro-LGBT?While it's good that corporations are pro-LGBT, it's bad because they would not be allies on other issues. I think most of us here are progressives of some sort, or otherwise against plutocracy. Many of care about the environment, workers rights, overturning Citizens United, caring for the poor and disadvantaged, and other issues that would put us at odds with business interests. Don't like the TPP and want to vote with your dollar? You might as well seperate yourself from the economy Move to the boonies, form a self-sufficient community, cut your carbon footprint, try not to run into the bigots' community, have a gay old time in the woods.There are other issues too, like category killers (Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc) versus small businesses. I would hate to hear a false dichotomy among the lines of "Do you support the anti-family/anti-human corporations or the bigoted mom-and-ops?". I do care about small businesses, and it's upsetting when you some of them are bigoted in some way.

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