2015. május 21., csütörtök

Tomorrow, my country (Ireland) will vote on whether or not gay marriage will be legal. Here's my summary of the whole situation.

Most people will glance upon this and think that Ireland is a religous and traditionally conservative country, you'd be right to an extent, this is why I was shocked to see how much support there was for marriage equality, all over my facebook I saw, 'vote yes <3' and similar posts. Me and my sister both advocate and support gay rights (and civil rights in general), she brought home some badges that said "TÁ. COMHIONNANAS." and "YES. EQUALITY" on them. ( The first one is Irish for Yes Equality) I proudly wear my badge to school and around and in that first day was called a 'f*ggot' three times. One of the people who called me that, later posted "Yes, equality comes first!" or something stupid on his facebook. This infuriates me, and it makes me anxious for tomorrow, I can't help but think that many of the people milking the YES campaign to boost their social status may vote No. The No campaign has also gotten a TON of funding from the US, like I can't watch a youtube video without seeing an ad by the Iona Institute, mostly this bullshit. (These guys are horrible, also they gave themselves the title of institute) Polls show a majority Yes, but I'm still wary. One more thing is that the No side are incredibly insensitive. My friend lost his mother recently, he can't walk to the bus stop without seeing 'A Mother's Love is irreplaceable, vote no' on at least 4 posters. Anyway, I just thought I'd keep everyone who doesn't know updated about the situation over here, Tá, comhionanas. (Forgot to mention, I'm 14. hat may be relevant)

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