2015. május 2., szombat

[Rant/Vent] Working on a project in class may cause me to come out. I am kinda ready I just do not want it to grape vine up to my brother. [x/LGBTeens, x/comingout]

I am working on a project for school on homophobia (my group picked it) and I am freaking out about it. I just break down when thinking about talking about it in front of the class. I also stupidly also said to my group that I could use a "personal" story. They think this "personal" story is about a friend when it actually about me. They asked if I could get a picture of me and this person, I responded with maybe, but it might be difficult.I basically created a second version of myself. I am ready to come out to people in my grade but am afraid cause many people in my grade have siblings that are friends of my brothers. Last time I attempted to come out to my brother he threatened to break my arm if I was not kidding. I don't want to let my group down, but I also don't want my brother to find out.

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