2015. május 22., péntek

I'm gay but want to date this girl...?

I am gay I know I am. I have been with 2 guys but have never slept with a woman or made out or dated nothing. I am 25 and feel so inexperienced. When it comes to females there are certain girls whom I find myself attracted to. I like girls who color there hair and have tattoos or certain piercings and some other types I just find really attracting. And I feel it would be fun to try dating making out but when it comes to sex I get nervous and feel like I don't know if I could get aroused. Maybe I am a sliver bisexual being that I like guys more but also like women. I feel confused. This girl on tinder messaged me and we talked she wants to hang out for drinks on Memorial day and gave me her number. She seems really cool and my type. But I don't know we're to even start or go with this. What do we talk about I want to be more than a gay guy to her but how would I tell her this? Need some advice.

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