2015. május 28., csütörtök

Dating Advice and Gay Friends

Essentially, I know a good friend of this guy's who thought we might be good for each other. He added me on Facebook and told me to add this guy through him. We went out to the bar a couple times, and were getting along pretty well. He never made any moves, was always really polite and offered to pay for my drinks a couple times (which I declined, but thanked him for), and was always really sweet. He'd text me after we both went home to wish me sweet dreams, the next morning as well. I was really excited, and honesty surprised that I was feeling something for him. I'm not at all a romantic; I'm usually more reserved and kind of unattached. But he was different.Well, I get to this cookout and I know basically no one there. This guy I've been seeing makes very little effort to introduce me to his friends, basically tells me everyone's name and then just sort of ignores me. Which, you know, I could be okay with. Maybe he was embarrassed or just not a great host or something. But I was there for about six hours, and he himself ended up saying very little to me at all. I tried to talk to him alone, I tried to talk to his friends, but I was getting the cold shoulder from everyone there. They were all being really catty anyway, making fun of each other (playfully) and then people who weren't there (not so playfully), and all they could talk about was their plans to go to this concert coming up, a day trip to an amusement park (neither of which I was involved in), and inside jokes. Which struck me as not only really tacky, but put me in a position where I could either sit quietly and listen, or jump in and change the topic, which struck me as very rude.So, I'm starting to just chalk all this up to a waste of time, getting ready to blame social anxiety, text this guy I've been seeing and politely excuse myself, when he starts cutting a cake. He offers me a piece, I decline, and one of his friends makes a joke about watching my figure or something. This guy I've been seeing makes a joke about making me breakfast in the morning, and I just get pissed. Idk why, but something about him popping out of totally ignoring me to make a joke about fucking me made me not only totally lose interest in him, but made me really upset. I just got up and left. I didn't know what to say, so I just walked out of the party.This post started out as a question, but I guess all I have to ask is am I being unreasonable, or was this really a shitty thing to say/do?

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