2015. június 24., szerda

Can we talk about other identities?

In the fallout of the whole Rachel Dolezal thing, I noticed people on the internet comparing her to Caitlyn Jenner. In response to that, there were a lot of people replying that there is absolutely no comparison, because Rachel Dolezal is crazy, or she's trying to invade black spaces, or she's lying about who she is, and they're glad she got fired after being outed. Just basically, the exact same kind of rhetoric that's lobbed at trans people. It really disheartens me to see trans people and allies just turning around and lobbing the kind of hate at someone for identifying as something that's less approved by society.It's not just Dolezal, though. I've noticed this for a long time. People will totally get it and respect your identity if it's "male" or "female", but as soon as they hear someone identifies as something else, all that compassion and respect for every person's right to determine their own identity, all of it just dries up. This goes for groups like otherkin or third gender too.I'm just sick of this idea that people seem to operate on that supporting trans rights rights requires also hating on any identity that isn't male or female, or somewhere on a straight line between them. That it requires not only building a wall between identifying as female or male and identifying as anything else, but then also shoveling as much shit as possible over that wall. I'm just tired of it and needed to say something.

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