2015. június 1., hétfő

LGBT Struggles in South Korea: STRAIGHT from the Horse’s mouth, if you will...

http://ift.tt/1PZVmyC is a screen cap of a text message currently doing the rounds in churches in Seoul. In 2015, in South Korea, one of the economic powerhouses of Asia, this is the type of thing we are having to deal with.By the way, the signboard to which they are refering is a display which allows the public to text in a message of hope specifically regarding keeping children safe… so they are trying to use that as a platform to spout hate.Classy. Anyway, here’s a feel-good read to see what’s going on in the hearts of the followers of Christ in Seoul:(translation of image) ☆This is the message from praying ceremony in front of City Hall.☆City hall If you send an message against homosexuality to 010-6387-1177, ☆It shows on the City Hall electronic display.♡Keep forwarding. It’s in front of the City Hall. ☆MMS unavailable ♡Short message available♡♡Homo-equality bill was not passed in Seoul, but we should keep praying till the last.☆If this law is legislated, homosexuality is educated at school. The minister of church can be fines if they reject officiant on same-sex marriage. Keep praying.☆Homo-equality bill should not be passed,☆Only 7 of 150 committee members☆ are our side. We should pray for them to make a good speech. If they insist on voting, it is automatically passed. We should pray not to be like that.☆Send message _ now _ on city hall square _ your message _ sent _ is _ counted _☆Please send _ 100 people. ♡Please send this _ right now.Sn G*ng-gi (this may be someone’s name… so I’ve put stars in…)

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