2015. június 20., szombat

Just wanted to thank all of you

So, about seven months ago I submitted a text post on this subreddit with a throwaway account (account name: womsyg - just in case any of you remember by some chance).Anyways, back to my point. I made that post, like so many do, because I was struggling with my sexuality, and I desperately needed help.And, despite the fact that a lot of my friends don't understand why I would ask the internet about something so personal, you guys were absolutely 100% the most helpful source I got. You were able to provide me with unbiased, educated, experienced advice that I couldn't really get from any other source.And it's because of you that I was able to finally, after two years, admit to myself that I'm not straight. And my life has never been better. I'm out, have a fantastic group of loving and accepting friends, and, for the first time in my life, I am able to be completely and unequivocally myself.It's such a great feeling, to finally be free of everything that questioning was doing to me. I had it better than most, yet I was still always uncomfortable with who I was. I would constantly have internal conversations with myself, which would lead to mild panic attacks, sobbing fits, all that good stuff.When I made that post, I created a separate account so that nobody would find it.Now, I'm writing this from my main reddit account.In the end, it doesn't really matter what account I write this on, but the point is that I don't feel the need to hide my involvement in this community anymore, and that is thanks to all of you.I hope this wasn't too cheesy or touchy feely. I just hoped to add something positive to this subreddit, and I figured that a thank you would be welcome where it's due.And with that, thank you.Thank you so so so much.P.S: if you by any chance are a commentor from my original post, and happen to remember it (somehow), please let me know! I remember some of your usernames! (Also props to you because lord knows that was a while ago)

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