2015. június 23., kedd

I'm gay! :D (yay, I guess!)

I used to think I was pansexual but I've pretty much realised that I wouldn't be happy dating a girl, I think I'd feel somewhat incomplete, as if something is missing. Therefore I want to date boys. I'm about where I'll meet a boy in my small university town but I'm not in a rush (only 18) so I guess I can maybe wait? Who knows!Also I wouldn't feel as bad about my body. I'm agender so I'd feel weird dating and eventually having sex with a girl, seeing how my body is different I imagine I'd feel really uncomfortable. But with a boy we're the same so I'd feel much more secure. Weird I know! I hate being trans* tbh, it's different.However, I'm gay, I know I like boys and not really girls but I still find people like the amazingly talented singer Emma Lousie really quite cute and pretty, surely that suggests I'm not gay?Finally, I'm a bit concerned, how can I know I'm gay if I've never been in a relationship, even a straight one?

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