2015. június 18., csütörtök

I want to support Gay Rights

A little backstory: About 2 weeks ago I met this nice dude at a party. He was very respectful and a good sense of humor. After some time talking he asked if I felt that he was wierd. I said 'hah why should I?'. He then told me that he was gay and though that might kill my interest in talking to him. He then told me how many people that had unfriended him on Facebook and started to ignore him after he went out with the news that he was gay. I felt really bad for the guy. Like really. He says our community doesn't care much about gay people. This made me think 'Maybe I can do something?' (I respect gay people for who they are, and I personally think they got the biggest balls out there!) . So now I want to show my support and try to collect some money for a stand he and some other people are going to have in August. Any tips to where I can start? Btw, I live in Norway.

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