2015. június 25., csütörtök

How do we resolve the gay double-standard?

It is amazing to me the hate that is so common place in the LGBT community. Its not just "us vs them" but equally "us vs us", and how sad is it that we cant seem to find love for ourselves.I find myself today upset at the fact that when we look at LGBT perspectives in real world culture we find shows like "The Fosters" which is an amazing look into a "normal" lesbian couple. The show is focused more on life as a married couple, than the couple themselves. When we look into the gay (male) shows there are so many that encompass the couple, but not the life.Sex is great and I love that the world is becoming more and more comfortable with equality. I want to see shows that encompass what a normal life for a gay man could look like. Something that covers things far more important than sex. That covers life.I come about this rant as part of a quest to understand. As a young adult who didnt come out until college and has always lived in a very conservative place I dont know what it looks like to be a functioning gay man in society.So I pose the question:How do we resolve the double standard? How do we show what life could be like? How do we show the upcoming lgbt youth what a normal and productive life looks like?(I know that there is the underlying assumption that there is something different about lgbt life than that of those who identify as straight. Although the goal would be to someday live where it doesnt matter, your orientation, but today it is different.)

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